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Java™: How to Program, Ninth EditionBy: Paul Deitel - Deitel & Associates, Inc.;Publisher: Prentice Hall Java 7: A Beginner's Tutorial (Third Edition)By: Budi KurniawanPublisher: Brainy Software Sams Teach Yourself Java™ in 24 Hours, Sixth EditionBy: Rogers CadenheadPublisher: Sams
Mobile Development
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Learning AndroidBy: Marko GargentaPublisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc. Beginning Android 4By: Grant AllenPublisher: Apress Beginning iOS 5 Development: Exploring the iOS SDKBy: Dave Mark; Jack Nutting; Jeff LaMarchePublisher: Apress
Web Development
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Game Programming
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Game Coding Complete, Fourth EditionBy: Mike McShaffry; David GrahamPublisher: Course Technology PTR
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MongoDB: The Definitive GuideBy: Kristina Chodorow; Michael DirolfPublisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc. Oracle Core: Essential Internals for DBAs and DevelopersBy: Jonathan LewisPublisher: Apress PHP and MySQL® 24-Hour TrainerBy: Andrea TarrPublisher: Wrox
2012-08-27 01:01