
교보전자책 서버 점검에 따른 다운타임 안내

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교보전자책 서버 점검에 따른 다운타임 안내

국내 교보전자책 서버 점검에 따라 다음과 같이 서비스가 일시 중지되오니 참고하시기 바랍니다.


1. 일시 : 2023년 11월14일(화) 오후 9시 ~ 11월15일(수) 오전 9시

2. 내용 : 교보전자책 서버 다운 (웹, 모바일)

3. 사이트 :

4. 문의 : 054-279-2548 (




Notice on the Library homepage error

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Notice on the Library homepage error


As of today (11/6), there is an error in some functions of the Library's website as follows. We apologize for the inconvenience in using it.

1. Error detail

- My library > Borrowing & Renewal 

- Book reservation button not exposed

- Unable to apply for document delivery service


2. Loan extension requests and inquiries

- Contact : (054-279-2551)





Notice on Kyobo Korean E-book Downtime

postech's picture

Notice on Kyobo Korean E-book Downtime


Please note that the Kyobo Korean E-book service will be suspended as follows due to the relocation of the servers.


1. Date: August 9, 2023 (Wed) 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

2. Contents: Kyobo Electronic Book Server Relocation and Update

3. Site:

4. Inquiry: 054-279-2548 (



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