Group Study Rooms
These rooms support small meetings and discusssions for coursework and research. Rooms are on the southwest sections of third, fourth, and fifth floors. Thirty-nine rooms are available in five sizes : four, six, eight, twelve, and twenty-four chairs per room. Group study room reservations will be required and completed on the library’s website.
Rooms may be used for up to four hours at a time. If the room isn’t needed by anyone else, then extended use is acceptable. Please arrange for a board marker, eraser in advance if needed. (They are available at the stationery store on the first floor of Student Union Building.)
Public Printers & Photocopiers
Public printers and photocopiers are located at the west of the fifth floors. Printers
Laptop computer use
Library patrons can use laptops in all group rooms, but the library does not loan or rent them. Group study tables contain sockets for both data network cable and electric power. Outside of the group study room, laptops can be used only at selected reading tables on each floor. For further information, please ask the Library staff at a service desk.
Cyber Cafe
The cafe is located on the sixth-floor. Fast food and drinks are available and computers and TVs are installed. The Cafe is open 24 hours, but the store is open only from 11:00am to 9:00pm, Monday-Saturday (On vacation, 11:00am to 6:00pm)
Vending machines and water
Vending machines are on the sixth-floor cyber-cafe. Purified drinking water is available on the east side of each floor.