Notice on library closures due to power outages
Notice on library closures due to power outages
Please understand that the library will be closed due to a change in the blackout schedule.
Notice on library closures due to power outages
Please understand that the library will be closed due to a change in the blackout schedule.
코로나 사태가 완화되어 사회적 거리두기가 해제됨에 따라 GSR 이용 최소 인원 수를 기존과 같이 변경하였습니다.
POSTECH 대학원생들의 연구 트렌드 분석 및 연구 전략 수립에 도움을 드리고자 아래와 같이 빅데이터 기반 학술성과분석 솔루션 SciVal 에 대한 온라인 교육을 실시합니다. (대학원생 뿐만 아니라 교직원, 연구원 등 기타 교내구성원들 모두 교육 신청이 가능합니다.)
- 아래 -
We notice about updates of 2023 JCR (Journal Citation Reports). The Journal IF(Impact Factor), which reflects the newly updated 2022 citation, is now available on JCR.
The local search error of the library website that occurred today (6/26) has been resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience and will try to provide more stable services.
There is an error in the search result of the local collection materials on the library website, so we are taking care of this issue. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Thesis Submission Information
Graduate students who will graduate in August 2023 should submit their theses(Online file and Hardbound) according to the following guidelines.
1. Submission period: July 3, 2023 ~ July 7, 2023
2. How to
The library homepage error that occurred on the morning of today (6/7) has now been restored and can be used normally. We apologize for any inconvenience caused due to the disability, and we will try to provide more stable service in the future.
We are currently experiencing a login error on the Library homepage. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
- Error Occurrence Date: June 7th, 2023 (Wednesday)
- Unavailable services: Loan status, renewal, book reservation, and search after logging in
Long-term checkout during summer vacation
Long-term checkout will be applied for 2023 summer vacation as following.
1. Long-term Checkout