Wiley Digital Textbook 시범 서비스 안내

2021-09-03 17:17


Wiley Digital Textbook Trial Service


Digital textbook published by Wiley will be open for a trial service as follows.


  1. Trial Service
    1. University textbook from Wiley(Blackwell) will be available as e-book.
    2. For 3month (Sep 6 ~ Dec 6, 2021), 6000 titles from 10 subjects will be freely available.
  2. How to
    1. Click Wiley Digital Textbook or access from Library homepage > Search >e-Book > Trial Service
    2. Create account (POSTECH e-mail) and Login, Checkout from “INSTITUTION LIBRARY” Tab
    3. 3 copies per book, 3 books per user, loanable for 2 days.
  3. Contact: Donghun Yu (T.279-2546, E-mail)


September 3, 2021

Director, Academic Information Resources