Library Hour for 2024-1 Semester-Final Exam Period

2024-05-17 16:11


Library Hour for 2024-1 Semester-Final Exam Period


Please note that during the final exam period for the 2024-1 semester, the reading room of the Library will be extended as follows and access to non-POSTECH member users will be restricted.


1. Exam Period: Jun. 03(Mon) ~ Jun.07(Fri). 2024


2. Extended open hour applied during: May 20(Mon) ~ Jun. 07(Fri), 2024


3. Opening hour



Exam Period


08:00 ~ 22:00



08:00 ~ 22:00

24 hours


24 hours

same as left


08:00 ~ 02:00


4. Caution

A. All seats and Group study rooms should be booked and used after reservation through the Seat Booking System.

B. During the exam period, access and borrowing for associate members are the same, but use of the reading seats on the 3rd floor is restricted, so please use the reading seats on the 2nd floor.

C. Non-POSTECH members will be restricted during the extended operation period, so please refer to it when using it 

D. The emergency stairs are locked after 22:00, so please use the elevator or the central circular staircase.


5. Contact: 279-2551,


May 17, 2024

Director, Academic Information Resource Team