Partial re-opening of the library to non-POSTECH Users

2020-08-07 16:46



Partial re-opening of the library to non-POSTECH Users


Tae-joon Park Digital Library will partially re-open its doors as follows by easing the restrictions caused by COVID-19. However, concerns about the spread of COVID-19 infection continue, so please follow the distance guidelines and library usage rules thoroughly so that all users can use the library safely.


1. Effective date: 2020. 8. 10 (Mon.) ~ Until separate notice

2. Applicable users: Among non-POSTECH Users, holders of library cards

   The excluded users are high school students and the issuers of daily passes.

3. Available Hours: 08:00 ~ 22:00

4. Notes

- Wear a mask in the library.

- Check and record body temperature.

- Enter after hand disinfection.

- Sit at a distance from each other in the reading room

- Those who have fever or respiratory symptoms or who have traveled abroad within the last 14 days are not allowed to enter.

- If the covid-19 situation worsens or if a number of users fail to comply with the rules of use, the reopening may be withdrawn. 

5. Inquiry: 279-2551 (

Aug. 7, 2020

Vice President, Office of Academic Information