전자저널의 알파벳순 리스트

Journal Name ISSN Coverage URL Note Provider
Antropológicas 2182-2913 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Antropoloji 2017~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
ANU Historical Journal II 2652-0281 2019~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario Americanista Europeo 2221-3872 2013~2014 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario de Derecho Ambiental 2014~2015 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia 2174-0887 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario de justicia alternativa : derecho arbitral. 2001~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas 1853-8509 2002~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 2020~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario de Letras 2006~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuário de Literatura 2175-7917 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario de Propiedad Intelectual 2017~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario de Psicología Jurídica 2174-0542 1998~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional 2254-660X 2001~2009 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario Filosófico 2173-6111 2001~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario Internacional CIDOB 2014-5950 2000~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuário Internacional de Comunicação Lusófona 2255-2243 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuario Think EPI 2564-8837 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuarul Institutului de Cercetari Economice 'Gheorghe Zane' - Iasi 2012~2019 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane 'Gheorghe Şincai' al Academiei Române (The Yearbook of the 'Gheorghe Şincai' Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities of the Romanian Academy) 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anuarul Institutului de Istorie George Bariţiu din Cluj-Napoca Series Humanistica = Yearbook of the George Baritiu Institute of History in Cluj-Napoca Series Humanistica 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anvesha 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
ANWESH: International Journal of Management & Information Technology 2018~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Anxiety 1522-7154 1994~1996 URL wiley
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 1477-2205 1997~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
ANZ Journal of Surgery 1445-2197 2001~ URL wiley
ANZ Nuclear Medicine 2008~2010 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Anzeiger f체r Sch채dlingskunde 1439-0280 2000~2003 URL wiley
ANZIAM Journal 1446-8735 2010~ URL Cambridge University Press
AORN Journal 1878-0369 ~ URL wiley
Apeiron 2156-7093 1995~ URL De Gruyter
Apeiron : journal of Inquiry into infinite nature 2006~2013 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Apertura: Revista de Innovación Educativa 2007-1094 2005~Present URL EBSCOhost Education Source
Apertura: Revista de Innovación Educativa 2007-1094 2005~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Apidologie 1297-9678 2015~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Apidologie 1297-9678 2007~2014 URL Springer
APL Bioengineering 2017~ URL AIP Publishing
APL Materials 2166-532X 2013~ URL AIP Publishing
APL Photonics 2378-0967 2016~ URL AIP Publishing
APLAR Journal of Rheumatology 1479-8077 2002~2007 URL wiley
APLAR Journal of Rheumatology 1479-8077 2003~2007 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Aplikované Pohybové Aktivity v Teorii a Praxi 2010~Present URL EBSCOhost Education Source
APMIS 1600-0463 1988~ URL wiley
APMIS: Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica 1600-0463 2002~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Apoptosis 1573-675X 1996~2014 URL Springer
Aportes: Revista Mexicana de Estudios Sobre la Cuenca del Pacifico 2001~2004 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Appalachian Heritage 1940-5081 2008~2016 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Appellate Practice Journal 1937-2973 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Appetite 0195-6663 1980~1994 URL Academic Press
Appliance Design 2328-1219 2004~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Appliance Design 2328-1219 2004~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Appliance Manufacturer 1994~2004 URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Appliance Manufacturer 1994~2004 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 1432-0622 1990~2014 URL Springer
Applicable analysis and discrete mathematics 2406-100X 2008~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Application Internationale de la Fiscalité Immobilière Française 2006~2012 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal 1932-9466 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applications in Plant Sciences (APPS) 2168-0450 2015~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applications Nationales et Internationales de l'Impôt Français sur la Fortune 2005~2012 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applications of Mathematics 1572-9109 1997~2014 URL Springer
Applications of Mathematics 1572-9109 2008~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applications of Mathematics 1572-9109 2008~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applications of Surface Science 0378-5963 1977~1985 URL North-Holland
Applied Acoustics 0003-682X 1968~1994 URL Elsevier
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 1063-5203 1993~2011 URL Academic Press
Applied and environmental microbiology 1098-5336 1976~ URL American Society for Microbiology
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 0168-1591 1984~1994 URL Elsevier
Applied Animal Ethology 0304-3762 1974~1984 URL Elsevier
Applied Artificial Intelligence 1087-6545 1996~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Artificial Intelligence 1087-6545 1996~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applied Artificial Intelligence 1087-6545 1996~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied behavioral science review 1879-1557 1996~1999 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 1599-0291 1976~1996 URL Springer
Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 1608-3024 2000~2014 URL Springer
Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 1608-3024 2003~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 1608-3024 2003~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 1754-2103 2007~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 1754-2103 2012~2014 URL IOS Press
Applied Catalysis 0166-9834 1981~1991 URL Elsevier
Applied Catalysis A: General 0926-860X 1991~2020 URL Elsevier
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 0926-3373 1992~ URL Elsevier
Applied Categorical Structures 1572-9095 1993~2014 URL Springer
Applied Clay Science 0169-1317 1985~1994 URL Elsevier
Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs 2213-4778 2014~ URL Bentham Science Publishers
Applied Cognitive Psychology 1099-0720 1987~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Cognitive Psychology 1099-0720 1987~ URL wiley
Applied Composite Materials 1573-4897 1994~2014 URL Springer
Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal (ACES Journal) 1943-5711 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal (ACES Journal) 1943-5711 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applied Developmental Science 1532-480X 1997~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Developmental Science 1532-480X 1997~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Education Source
Applied Developmental Science 1532-480X 1997~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 2040-5804 2010~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied economics 1466-4283 1969~Present URL

18 months

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied Economics Letters 1466-4291 1994~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied Economics: Systematic Research 2335-8742 2007~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied Energy 0306-2619 1975~ URL Elsevier
Applied Entomology and Zoology 1347-605X 2011~2014 URL Springer
Applied Ergonomics 0003-6870 1970~2011 URL Elsevier
Applied financial economics 1466-4305 1991~2014 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied financial economics letters 1744-6554 2005~2008 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied General Topology 1989-4147 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Geochemistry 0883-2927 1986~1994 URL Pergamon
Applied Geography 0143-6228 1981~1994 URL Pergamon
Applied Geomatics 1866-928X 2009~2014 URL Springer
Applied GIS 1832-5505 2008~2017 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Intelligence 1573-7497 1991~2014 URL Springer
Applied Linguistics 1477-450X 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
Applied Linguistics Review 1868-6311 2010~ URL De Gruyter
Applied Magnetic Resonance 1613-7507 1990~2014 URL Springer
Applied Management Journal 2018~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied Materials Today 2352-9407 2015~ URL Elsevier
Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences 2015~2018 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied mathematical finance 1466-4313 1994~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied Mathematical Modelling 0307-904X 1976~2020 URL Elsevier
Applied Mathematics & Optimization 1432-0606 1974~2014 URL Springer
Applied Mathematics and Computation 0096-3003 1975~2020 URL Elsevier
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1573-2754 1980~1996 URL Springer
Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1432-0606 1996~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1432-0606 1996~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1432-0606 1996~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering 2769-0911 2022~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering 2769-0911 2022~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applied Mathematics Letters 0893-9659 1988~1994 URL Pergamon
Applied Mathematics Research Express: AMRX 1687-1197 2004~2017 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Mathematics Research Express: AMRX 1687-1197 2003~2017 URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applied Measurement in Education 1532-4818 1988~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Measurement in Education 1532-4818 1988~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Education Source
Applied Medical Informatics 2067-7855 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied microbiology 1953~1975 URL American Society for Microbiology
Applied Microbiology 2673-8007 2022~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 1432-0614 2000~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 1432-0614 2003~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 1432-0614 1975~2014 URL Springer
Applied Neuropsychology 1532-4826 1994~2011 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Neuropsychology: Adult 2327-9109 2012~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Numerical Analysis & Computational Mathematics 1611-8189 2004~2005 URL wiley
Applied Numerical Mathematics 0168-9274 1985~2011 URL North-Holland
Applied Ocean Research 0141-1187 1979~1994 URL Elsevier
Applied Ontology 1875-8533 2005~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Ontology 1875-8533 2008~2022 URL IOS Press
Applied Optics 2155-3165 1962~ URL Optica Publishing
Applied Organometallic Chemistry 1099-0739 1987~ URL wiley
Applied Organometallic Chemistry 1099-0739 2012~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Physics A 1432-0630 1973~2014 URL Springer
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 1432-0630 1996~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 1432-0630 1996~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Physics B 1432-0649 1981~2014 URL Springer
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 1432-0649 1996~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 1432-0649 1996~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Physics Express 1882-0786 2013~ URL IOP
Applied Physics Letters 1077-3118 1962~ URL AIP Publishing
Applied Physics Reviews (Online Only) 1931-9401 2018~ URL AIP Publishing
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism = Physiologie appliquée, nutrition et métabolisme 1715-5320 2006~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Psycholinguistics 1469-1817 1999~ URL Cambridge University Press
Applied Psychology 1464-0597 1952~ URL wiley
Applied Psychology = Psychologie Appliquee 1464-0597 1996~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied Psychology = Psychologie Appliquee 1464-0597 1996~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being 1758-0854 2009~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being 1758-0854 2009~ URL wiley
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 1573-3270 1997~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 1573-3270 1976~2014 URL Springer
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 1573-3270 1997~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 0969-8043 1993~1994 URL Pergamon
Applied Science and Convergence Technology 2288-6559 1992~2022 URL 한국진공학회(ASCT)
Applied Scientific Research Section B / Electrophysics, acoustics, optics, mathematical methods 0003-6994 1947~1966 URL Springer
Applied Soil Ecology 0929-1393 1994~1994 URL Elsevier
Applied Solar Energy 1934-9424 2007~2014 URL Springer
Applied Spectroscopy 1943-3530 1946~ URL Optica Publishing
Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis 1099-0747 1985~1999 URL wiley
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 1526-4025 1999~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 1526-4025 1999~ URL wiley
Applied Superconductivity 0964-1807 1993~1994 URL Pergamon
Applied Surface Science 0169-4332 1985~ URL North-Holland
Applied Thermal Engineering 1359-4311 1996~ URL Pergamon
Applied Vegetation Science 1654-109X 1961~2001 URL JSTOR
Applied Vegetation Science 1654-109X 1999~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Applied Vegetation Science 1654-109X 1998~ URL wiley
Apply 2002~2007 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Appraisal Journal 1965~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Approach : The Naval Safety Center's Aviation Magazine 2169-222X 1994~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Approaching Religion 1799-3121 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
APS Observer 2017~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
APSP Journal of Case Reports 2218-8185 2012~2019 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
APTA Magazine 2691-3151 2020~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Aptamers 2017~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Apulia Theologica 2015~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Apuntes 2223-1757 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Apuntes de Psicología 1989-6441 2022~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Apuntes Universitarios 2304-0335 2016~Present URL EBSCOhost Education Source
Apunts. Educació física i esports 2014-0983 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Aquacultural Engineering 0144-8609 1982~1994 URL Elsevier
Aquaculture 0044-8486 1972~1994 URL Elsevier
Aquaculture and Fisheries 2468-550X 2022~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Aquaculture Economics & Management: Official Journal of the International Association of Aquaculture Economics and Management 1551-8663 1998~1999 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Aquaculture Economics & Management: Official Journal of the International Association of Aquaculture Economics and Management 1551-8663 1998~1999 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Aquaculture International 1573-143X 1993~2014 URL Springer
Aquaculture Journal 2673-9496 2022~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Aquaculture North America 2021~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Aquaculture Nutrition 1365-2095 1998~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
