전자저널의 알파벳순 리스트

Journal Name ISSN Coverage URL Note Provider
East European Quarterly 2469-4827 1996~2008 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
East European Yearbook on Human Rights 2589-7772 2018~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
East Texas Historical Journal 2004~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
East-West Center Special Reports 2006~2006 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
East-West Church and Ministry Report 2015~2017 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
East-West Cultural Passage 2067-5712 2010~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
East-West Dialogue 2007~2010 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies 2292-7956 2016~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Eastern Economic Journal 1939-4632 1996~2010 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Eastern European Economics 1557-9298 1964~Present URL

6 months

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Eastern Journal of European Studies 2068-6633 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Eastern journal of medicine 1309-3886 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Eating disorders review 2002~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention 1532-530X 1998~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
EBIB - Electronic Bulletin for Librarians 1507-7187 2006~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ebisu : Études Japonaises 2189-1893 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
EBRI Issue Brief 2010~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
EBRI Notes 2010~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
EBS Review 2001~2011 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
eBusiness Trends 2001~2002 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
EC&M Electrical Construction & Maintenance 1997~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
EC&M Electrical Construction & Maintenance 1997~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
ecancermedicalscience 1754-6605 2008~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecclesial Practices 2214-4471 2017~Present URL

3 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecclesial Practices 2214-4471 2014~ URL Brill Journal Collection
Ecclesiology 1745-5316 2004~Present URL

3 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecclesiology 1745-5316 2004~ URL Brill Journal Collection
EccoS Revista Científica 1983-9278 2015~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Echocardiography 1540-8175 2003~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Echocardiography 1540-8175 1984~ URL wiley
ECN: Electronic Component News 1999~2019 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Eco-Management and Auditing 1099-0925 1995~2001 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Eco-Management and Auditing 1099-0925 1993~2001 URL wiley
Ecodate 1835-5145 1995~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecography 1600-0587 1876~1883 URL JSTOR
Ecography 1600-0587 1978~ URL wiley
EcoHealth 1612-9210 2004~2014 URL Springer
Ecohydrology 1936-0592 2008~ URL wiley
Ecología Aplicada 1993-9507 2002~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecología Austral 1667-782X 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecological Applications 1939-5582 1870~1996 URL JSTOR
Ecological Applications 1939-5582 1991~ URL wiley
Ecological Applications 1939-5582 1991~2020 URL JSTOR
Ecological Bulletins 1970~1973 URL JSTOR
Ecological Economics 0921-8009 1989~1994 URL Elsevier
Ecological Engineering 0925-8574 1992~1994 URL Elsevier
Ecological Entomology 1365-2311 1976~ URL wiley
Ecological Management & Restoration 1839-3330 2000~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecological Management & Restoration 1442-8903 2000~ URL wiley
Ecological Modelling 0304-3800 1975~1994 URL Elsevier
Ecological Monographs 1557-7015 1876~1938 URL JSTOR
Ecological Monographs 1557-7015 1931~2020 URL JSTOR
Ecological Monographs 1557-7015 1931~ URL wiley
Ecological Psychology 1532-6969 1989~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecological Research 1440-1703 1998~ URL wiley
Ecological Research 1440-1703 1986~2014 URL Springer
Ecological Research 1440-1703 1998~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecological Restoration 1543-4079 1999~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecology 1939-9170 1929~1964 URL JSTOR
Ecology 1939-9170 1920~ URL wiley
Ecology 1939-9170 1920~2020 URL JSTOR
Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure 2288-8527 2014~2022 URL 응용생태공학회
Ecology Law Quarterly 2831-9176 2000~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecology Letters 1461-0248 1998~ URL wiley
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 1600-0633 1992~ URL wiley
Econ Focus 2327-025X 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Econ journal watch 1933-527X 2004~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Econometric reviews 1532-4168 2001~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Econometrica 1468-0262 1933~2020 URL JSTOR
Econometrica 1468-0262 1999~ URL wiley
Econometrics Journal 1368-423X 1998~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Econometrics Journal 1368-423X 1998~ URL Oxford University Press
Economía 2304-4306 2007~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economía y Administración 2006~2009 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economía: Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association 1533-6239 2003~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic & Financial Policy Review 1936-4326 2002~2004 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic & Financial Policy Review 1936-4326 2002~2004 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic & Managerial Researshes 2016~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic affairs 1468-0270 1983~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Affairs 1468-0270 1980~ URL wiley
Economic Analysis 1469-3747 2000~2000 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic and Financial Review / Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 2163-4408 1999~2001 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic and Financial Review / Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 2163-4408 1999~2001 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Anthropology 2330-4847 2014~ URL wiley
Economic Archive / Narodnostopanski Arhiv 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Botany 1874-9364 1946~1982 URL JSTOR
Economic Botany 1874-9364 1946~2014 URL Springer
Economic Bulletin 2009~2012 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Bulletin - Norges Bank 1503-8831 2007~2012 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Bulletin for Europe 1991~1997 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Bulletin for Europe 1991~1997 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Bulletin. Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Institut für Konjunkturforschung 1438-261X 2000~2004 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Change and Restructuring 1574-0277 2005~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Commentary (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland) 2163-3738 1994~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Commentary (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland) 2163-3738 1994~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Computation & Economic Cybernetics Studies & Research 1842-3264 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia and Korea 2000~2000 URL KISS
Economic development and cultural change 1539-2988 1964~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic development journal : EDJ 2168-5800 2002~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic development journal : EDJ 2168-5800 2002~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic development review 1984~2000 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Geography 1944-8287 2007~Present URL

18 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Geography 1944-8287 1997~2015 URL wiley
Economic Geography 1944-8287 1925~2015 URL JSTOR
Economic History 1930~1940 URL JSTOR
Economic Indicators 1933-3919 1996~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Indicators 1933-3919 1996~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Inquiry 1465-7295 1962~ URL wiley
Economic Inquiry 1465-7295 1990~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Insight 2016~2016 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Insights - Trends & Challenges 2284-8584 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Issues 2004~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Journal 1468-0297 1965~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Journal 1468-0297 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
Economic notes 1468-0300 1999~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Notes 1468-0300 1999~ URL wiley
Economic Outlook 1468-0319 1977~ URL wiley
Economic outlook 1468-0319 1997~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 1759-3441 2003~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 1759-3441 2003~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Education Source
Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 1759-3441 1956~ URL wiley
Economic Perspectives 2163-3584 1995~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Perspectives 2163-3584 1995~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Policy 1468-0327 1985~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Policy 1468-0327 1997~2015 URL wiley
Economic Processes Management 2311-6293 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Quarterly - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 2163-4556 1993~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Quarterly - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 2163-4556 1993~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Record 1475-4932 1925~ URL wiley
Economic Record 1475-4932 1965~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Review 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic review (Cleveland) 2163-372X 1990~2001 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic review (Cleveland) 2163-372X 1990~2001 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Review (Karachi) 1996~2013 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic review (Richmond, VA) 1990~1992 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic review (Richmond, VA) 1990~1992 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Review (Uzbekistan) 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Review - Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 2163-422X 1994~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Review - Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 2163-422X 1994~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Review - Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 2163-5870 1996~2010 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Review - Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 2163-5870 1996~2010 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Review / Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 2163-5838 1996~1999 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Review / Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 2163-5838 1996~1999 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Review: Journal of Economics & Business / Ekonomska Revija: Casopis za Ekonomiju i Biznis 2303-680X 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Science for Rural Development Conference Proceedings 2006~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economic Statistics 2005~2009 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Systems Research 1469-5758 1990~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Themes 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic theory 1432-0479 1991~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Trends / Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 1936-4504 1994~2016 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economic Trends / Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 1936-4504 1994~2016 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economica 1468-0335 1921~2017 URL JSTOR
Economica 1468-0335 1965~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economica 1468-0335 1937~ URL wiley
Economica (1585-6216) 2014~2015 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economics & Management (1802-3975) 2018~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economics & Management = Ekonomika ir Vadyba 2029-9338 2007~2014 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economics & Politics 1468-0343 1989~ URL wiley
Economics & Politics 1468-0343 1998~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economics & Rural Development 2012~2014 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economics and Business 2256-0394 2008~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economics of Education Review 0272-7757 1981~1994 URL Pergamon
Economics of governance 1435-8131 2000~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economics of Transition 1468-0351 1999~2018 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economics of Transition 1468-0351 1993~2018 URL wiley
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change 2577-6983 2019~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change 2577-6983 2019~ URL wiley
Economics Research International 2090-2131 2010~2017 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 1938-212X 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economics: Time Realities 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Économie et Comptabilité 2007~2007 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economist - England All Content~ URL ECONOMIST NEWSPAPER LTD
Economy of Industry 2306-532X 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Economy Policy Reforms Going for Growth 1813-2723 2006~Present URL

6 months

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition 2068-7389 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
eContent Quarterly 2329-6380 2013~2014 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecopsychology 1942-9347 2009~2012 URL Mary And Libert
ECORFAN Journal-Spain 2021~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecos 1839-3411 1998~2001 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Écoscience 2376-7626 1989~1991 URL JSTOR
Ecosystem Health 1526-0992 1998~2001 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecosystems 1435-0629 2003~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Ecosystems 1435-0629 1932~1939 URL JSTOR
Ecosystems 1435-0629 1998~2014 URL Springer
Ecotheology: Journal of Religion, Nature & the Environment 1743-1689 1997~2006 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ecotoxicology 1573-3017 1992~2014 URL Springer
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 0147-6513 1977~1994 URL Academic Press
ECR Journal : International Commerce Review 1864-5747 2006~2006 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
ECS Electrochemistry Letters 2162-8734 2012~2015 URL IOP
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 2162-8769 2013~ URL IOP
ECS Meeting Abstracts 2151-2043 2013~ URL IOP
ECS Solid State letters 2162-8750 2012~2015 URL IOP
ECS Transactions 1938-6737 2013~ URL IOP
Ecumene 2058-3435 1998~2001 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Eden 2005~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Edge (East Carolina University) 2010~2011 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Edge: The Latest Information for the Education Practitioner 2005~2011 URL EBSCOhost Education Source
Edification: The Transdisciplinary Journal of Christian Psychology 2009~2012 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Edinburgh Law Review 1755-1692 2004~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
EDIPORC 2005~2010 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
