전자저널의 알파벳순 리스트

Journal Name ISSN Coverage URL Note Provider
European Journal of Education 1465-3435 1979~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Education and Psychology 1989-2209 2011~2016 URL EBSCOhost Education Source
European Journal of Endocrinology (EJE) 1479-683X 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
European Journal of Entomology 1802-8829 2007~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 2116-7214 2016~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Epidemiology 1573-7284 1985~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Epidemiology 1573-7284 1986~1999 URL JSTOR
European Journal of Finance and Banking Research 1933-348X 2009~2011 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
European Journal of Forest Pathology 1439-0329 1971~1999 URL wiley
European Journal of Forest Research 1612-4677 2011~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Forest Research 1612-4677 1857~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Futures Research 2195-2248 2016~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European journal of general medicine 1304-3897 2008~2018 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Haematology 1600-0609 1986~ URL wiley
European journal of haematology 1600-0609 2000~Present URL

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European Journal of Health Economics 1618-7601 2000~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Health Economics 1618-7601 2000~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Health Law 1571-8093 2000~ URL Brill Journal Collection
European Journal of Health Law 1571-8093 1996~Present URL

3 years

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European Journal of Heart Failure 1879-0844 2000~Present URL

1 years

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European Journal of Heart Failure 1879-0844 1999~ URL wiley
European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements 1878-1314 2002~2012 URL wiley
European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements 1878-1314 2002~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Housing Policy 1473-3269 2001~2009 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
European Journal of Housing Policy 1473-3269 2001~2009 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Human Genetics: EJHG 1476-5438 1998~2015 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Hybrid Imaging : EJNMMI Multimodality Journal 2510-3636 2018~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Immunogenetics 1365-2370 1998~2004 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Immunogenetics 1365-2370 1997~2004 URL wiley
European Journal of Immunology 1521-4141 1971~ URL wiley
European Journal of Inflammation 2058-7392 2010~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 1099-0682 1998~ URL wiley
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 1099-0682 2012~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2067-3795 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of International Law 1464-3596 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
European journal of international law 1464-3596 1996~Present URL

1 years

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European Journal of International Security 2057-5645 2016~Present URL

1 years

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European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 2254-9625 2021~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Jewish Studies 1872-471X 2007~Present URL

3 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Jewish Studies 1872-471X 2007~ URL Brill Journal Collection
European journal of legal education 1750-4686 2006~2007 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 1438-9312 2000~ URL wiley
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 1438-9312 2012~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education (EJMSE) 2694-2003 2021~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Medical & Educational Technologies 2020~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Medical Case Reports 2520-4998 2022~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 0223-5234 1987~ URL Elsevier Masson
European Journal of Mental Health 1788-7119 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Migration and Law 1571-8166 2011~Present URL

3 years

EBSCOhost Education Source
European Journal of Migration and Law 1571-8166 2000~ URL Brill Journal Collection
European Journal of Migration and Law 1571-8166 1999~Present URL

3 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Mineral Processing & Environmental Protection 2003~2005 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European journal of morphology 1744-4241 1998~2005 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Neurology 1468-1331 1994~ URL wiley
European Journal of Neuroscience 1460-9568 1989~ URL wiley
European Journal of Neuroscience 1460-9568 1998~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1432-105X 1997~2001 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 1619-7089 1976~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 1619-7089 2002~Present URL

1 years

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European Journal of Nutrition 1436-6215 1960~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Nutrition 1436-6215 1999~Present URL

1 years

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European Journal of Oncological Medicine 2010~2010 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning 1027-5207 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Education Source
European Journal of Operational Research 0377-2217 1977~ URL North-Holland
European Journal of Oral Sciences 1600-0722 1970~ URL wiley
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 1099-0690 1998~ URL wiley
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 1099-0690 2012~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Oriental Medicine 1993~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Orthodontics 1460-2210 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 1432-1068 1991~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Pain 1532-2149 1997~ URL wiley
European Journal of Pain Supplements 1878-0075 2007~2011 URL wiley
European Journal of Parenteral & Pharmaceutical Sciences 2013~2019 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology 2007~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Pediatrics 1432-1076 1997~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Pediatrics 1432-1076 1910~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Personality 1099-0984 1987~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Personality 1099-0984 1987~2020 URL wiley
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0928-0987 1993~1994 URL Elsevier
European Journal of Pharmacology 0014-2999 1967~1994 URL Elsevier
European Journal of Pharmacology 0014-2999 1994~1994 URL Elsevier
European Journal of Pharmacology: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 0926-6917 1992~1994 URL Elsevier
European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology 0922-4106 1989~1994 URL Elsevier
European journal of philosophy 1468-0378 1998~Present URL

1 years

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European Journal of Philosophy 1468-0378 1993~ URL wiley
European Journal of Phycology 1469-4433 2003~Present URL

15 months

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European Journal of Physics 1361-6404 2013~ URL IOP
European Journal of Physics Education 1309-7202 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Education Source
European Journal of Physiotherapy 2167-9177 2013~Present URL

15 months

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European Journal of Plant Pathology 1573-8469 1895~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 1435-0130 1971~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Political Research 1475-6765 2002~Present URL

1 years

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European Journal of Political Research 1475-6765 1973~ URL wiley
European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook 2047-8852 2012~ URL wiley
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2047-4881 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research 2021~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Psychology of Education 1878-5174 2002~2009 URL EBSCOhost Education Source
European Journal of Psychology of Education 1878-5174 2002~2009 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Psychotherapy Counselling & Health 1469-5901 1998~2005 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2000-8066 2010~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 0969-7012 1994~1994 URL Pergamon
European Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Rheumatology 2148-4279 2015~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Risk Regulation 2190-8249 2017~Present URL

1 years

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European Journal of Scandinavian Studies 2191-9402 2016~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Scandinavian Studies 2191-9402 2010~ URL De Gruyter
European Journal of Social Psychology 1099-0992 1971~Present URL

1 years

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European Journal of Social Psychology 1099-0992 1971~ URL wiley
European Journal of Social Quality 1752-2315 2005~2006 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Soil Science 1365-2389 1994~ URL wiley
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry 0992-4361 1998~1998 URL Elsevier Masson
European Journal of Surgery 1741-9271 1998~2002 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Surgery 1741-9271 1998~2002 URL wiley
European journal of teacher education : journal of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) 1469-5928 1998~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Education Source
European journal of teacher education : journal of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) 1469-5928 1998~Present URL

15 months

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European Journal of Theology 2666-9730 2002~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Journal of Translational Myology 2037-7460 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European journal of transport and infrastructure research 1567-7141 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 1863-9941 1975~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Wildlife Research 1439-0574 1955~2014 URL Springer
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 1436-736X 1937~2014 URL Springer
European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe 1752-2323 2001~Present URL

1 years

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European Law Journal 1468-0386 1995~ URL wiley
European Law Journal 1468-0386 1995~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
European Law Journal 1468-0386 1995~Present URL

1 years

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European Law Reports 2009~2012 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Management Journal 0263-2373 1982~1994 URL Pergamon
European Management Review 1740-4762 2010~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
European Management Review 1740-4762 2004~ URL wiley
European Neuropsychopharmacology 0924-977X 1990~1994 URL Elsevier
European Orthopaedics and Traumatology 1867-4577 2011~2014 URL Springer
European Paediatrics 2010~2010 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Physical Journal A 1434-601X 1998~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal A 1434-601X 1998~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal B 1434-6036 1998~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal B 1434-6036 1998~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields 1434-6052 1998~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields 1434-6052 1998~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal D 1434-6079 1998~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal D 1434-6079 1998~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal E 1292-895X 2000~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal E 1292-895X 2000~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal H 2102-6467 2010~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal H 2102-6467 2010~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal Plus 2190-5444 2011~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal Plus 2190-5444 2011~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal Special Topics 1951-6401 2007~2014 URL Springer
European Physical Journal Special Topics 1951-6401 2007~2014 URL Springer
European Planning Studies 1469-5944 1994~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
European Planning Studies 1469-5944 1994~Present URL

15 months

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European Policy Analysis 2380-6567 2015~ URL wiley
European Politeia 2412-8120 2015~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Political Science 1682-0983 2007~2010 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Politics and Society 2374-5126 2015~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Polymer Journal 0014-3057 1965~2020 URL Pergamon
European Poultry Science 1612-9199 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review 2194-7384 2012~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review 2194-7384 2012~Present URL

1 years

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European Property Law Journal 2190-8362 2012~ URL De Gruyter
European Psychiatry 1778-3585 2019~ URL Cambridge University Press
European Psychomotricity Journal 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Public Private Partnership Law Review 2190-8222 2008~2011 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
European Public Private Partnership Law Review 2190-8222 2008~2011 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Radiology 1432-1084 2000~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
European Radiology 1432-1084 1991~2014 URL Springer
European Respiratory Journal 1399-3003 1999~2000 URL wiley
European Retail Digest 1993~2007 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
European Review 1474-0575 2001~ URL Cambridge University Press
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 1861-6909 2006~2014 URL Springer
European Review of Agricultural Economics 1464-3618 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
European Review of Contract Law 1614-9939 2005~ URL De Gruyter
European Review of Contract Law 1614-9939 2009~2011 URL Walter de Gruyter
European Review of Contract Law 1614-9920 2009~2011 URL Walter de Gruyter
European Review of International Studies 2196-7415 2014~ URL Brill Journal Collection
European Science Editing 2518-3354 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European science review 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Sociological Review 1468-2672 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
European Sociological Review 1468-2672 1985~2017 URL JSTOR
European Spatial Research and Policy 1896-1525 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Spine Journal 1432-0932 1992~2014 URL Springer
European Surgery 1682-4016 2002~Present URL

1 years

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European Surgery 1682-4016 2002~2003 URL wiley
European Surgery 1682-4016 1969~2014 URL Springer
European Telecom 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
European Tort Law Yearbook 2190-7781 2011~2020 URL De Gruyter
European Transactions on Electrical Power 1546-3109 1991~2012 URL wiley
European Transactions on Telecommunications 1541-8251 1990~2011 URL wiley
European Transport Research Review 1866-8887 2016~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
European Work and Organizational Psychologist 1991~1994 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online 2211-6117 2001~ URL Brill Journal Collection
Europe’s Journal of Psychology (EJOP) 1841-0413 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Euscorpius 1536-9307 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Euxeinos : Governance and Culture in the Black Sea Region 2296-0708 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
EU연구 2671-7832 1995~ URL KISS
EU학 연구 1996~ URL KISS
Evaluation and Program Planning 0149-7189 1978~1994 URL Pergamon
Evaluation in Education 0191-765X 1979~1985 URL Pergamon
Evaluation in Education. International Progress 0145-9228 1977~1979 URL Pergamon
Evaluation Practice 0886-1633 1986~1994 URL No longer published by Elsevier
