[정보] "Scientific American" Podcasting and RSS - Get the latest news !
2007-04-27 10:21
Scientific American, a well-known magazine of U.S., has been bringing its readers unique insights about developments in science and technology for more than 150 years.
Get the latest science news via Podacasts and RSS @ Scienctific American.com !
Science Talk
Join host Steve Mirsky each week as he explores the latest developments in science and technology through interviews with leading scientists and journalists.
60-Second Science
Tune in every weekday for quick reports and commentaries on the world of science-- it'll just take a minute.
* “올제”란 오늘의 바로 다음날. 곧 ‘내일’을 뜻하는 순수 우리말이라 합니다.
'과학 올제'도 괜찮을 것 같은데..^^
엇... 이것도 즐겨 듣는 podcast입니다.
와우ㅡ ESL Podcast군요. 영어공부하기 아주