[정보] World Universities Lectures & Course Materials - MIT(USA), NIME(Japan)

MIT OCW (OpenCourseWare) is a large scale web publishing initiative whose charge from the MIT faculty is to make the core teaching materials.
MIT OCW provides users with open access to the syllabi, lecture notes, course calendars, problem sets and solutions, exams, reading lists, even a selection of video lectures, from 1550 MIT courses representing 34 departments and all five of MIT's schools. The initiative will include materials from virutally all courses by the year 2008.
It makes the course materials that are used in the teaching of almost all MIT’s undergraduate and graduate subjects available on the Web, free of charge, to any user anywhere in the world~!!
Click the menu to access and get free resources !!
² Archived Course List
In 2005, MIT OpenCourseWare (MIT OCW) began archiving some of its older courses and replacing them with updated versions of those courses (with new years and terms). In the Fall of 2006, MIT OCW began transferring its archived courses to MIT's digital repository, DSpace, for long-term storage.
² Subscribe RSS Feeds for the Courses
Receive notification of new MIT OCW courses, video, audio or newsletter feature summaries on your desktop, or add them to your blog or website.
MIT OCW offers a collection of additional resources that apply to more than one MIT course, or in some cases, entire MIT departments. Various MIT faculty are openly sharing these resources as a service to MIT OCW users.
² Video & Audio on MIT OCW
Spanish & Portuguese Translation
Simplified Chinese Translation
Traditional Chinese Translation

NIME-glad is a website allowing retrieval of educational contents offered at universities and other institutions to be shared over the Internet.
The website is developed and operated by an independent administrative institution National Institute of Multimedia Education (hereafter as NIME).
Starting with e-Learning courses for developing learner skills, open lectures and university syllabus information are available in a cross-sectional search function.
²Search OCW, Universities in Japan, e-learning by Specialized Subjects
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