[SciFri 과학튀김(?)] Science Friday~~
Science Friday is a weekly science talk show, broadcast live over public radio stations nationwide(US). There are various ways to get the fresh SciFri contents! 1. Live Streams: Some stations also stream Science Friday live on the internet.
Each week, SciFri focus on science topics that are in the news and try to bring an educated, balanced discussion to bear on the scientific issues at hand.
Panels of expert guests join Science Friday's host, Ira Flatow, a veteran science journalist, to discuss science - and to take questions from listeners during the call-in portion of the program.
Podcasting, Streaming, Listening archives are available.
Here are the list of stations that offer live, real-time streams of Science Friday.
You can also use a station's stream regularly by making a pledge to that station.
2. Podcasting: Each week, we make the full audio of the program available as
Science Friday Podcast -- free downloadable copies of the program that you can listen to on your computer or on the portable player of your choice. Visit our Science Friday podcast page for more info.
3. Archived Streaming Audio - NPR Online makes Science Friday programs available in streaming formats including RealAudio and Windows Media. (links courtesy of NPR Online)
most recent show in Windows Media Format
There are SciFri blogs, user communities, available transcriptions and so much more~
Want to flip through the pages of every book in the world? Several efforts are working to digitize and make available online all the information that might be hiding on the shelves of libraries around the world. We'll talk to leaders in the digital libraries community, and talk about just how they intend to go about bringing every book published into the online world.
Plus, this week scientists announced a new effort to create an online encyclopedia of life. Pulling information from labs, libraries, and museums around the world, the project aims to make a multimedia web page for every known species on the planet. We'll talk to one of the project's leaders.
1. Digital Library Magazine
2. "Digital Libraries", MIT press
(netLibrary e-book available @ POSTECH Library)
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