Harvard Business Review 읽기
Harvard Business Review는 하버드 대학의 경영 대학원에서 많고 많은 비니니스 리뷰, 케이스 스터디. 비지니스 리뷰만 괜히 모아봄.
하버드 비지니스 리뷰 종류별로 추가
1. The Business Review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1261505
- 1999-2004
- ABI/Inform통해
2. Thunderbird Business Review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1186992
- 2006-
- Wiley InterScience
3. Asia Pacific business review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1260781
- 2003-
- Taylor & Francis
4. International Business Review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1183411
- 1993-2007
- ScienceDirect
5. Multinational business review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1268444
- 1993-
- ABI/Inform
6.Economic and business review for Central and South-Eastern Europe
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1263082
- 2003-
- ABI/Inform
7. Scandinavian international business review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1270407
- 1992
- Science Direct
8. European business review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1263523
- 1992-(1년엠바고)
- ABI/Inform
9. Family business review : journal of the Family Firm Institute
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1263766
- 2002-
- ABI/Inform
10. Baylor business review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1261042
- 1988-
- ABI/Inform
11.Southern business review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1270877
- 1999
- ABI/Infrom
12. American business review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1260223
- 1998-2004
- ABI/Infrom
13. The Canadian business review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1261570
- 1987-1996
- ABI/Inform
14. The China business review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1261887
- 1988-
- ABI/Inform
15. Illinois business review
- URL: http://dl-millennium.postech.ac.kr/record=b1264935
- 1987-1996
- ABI/Inform
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